S O’Hooligan
3 Oct 2023
Quiz Tensions Building
Hi O'Hooligan here! As the days countdown to our annual quiz night tensions are rising! Captain of team MISUNDERSTOOD Kenny was giving out assignments yesterday. 'Read alot and watch something historical.' So I have opted for the Dandy and Beano and will watch The Life of Brian later! Wicky is reading the Beezer and Hotspur and watching Forest Gump! Andy is reading the Argos Catalogue which leaves him no time to watch anything! Thatto Dave is bowling so he said he will read the life and times of David Bryant while waiting for his turn! Recruitment has been a problem! Harry the Hatchet wanted to join us but his specialist subject was Everton so we had a whipround and sent him off to Portugal for 6 weeks! Even we have our standards! Wicky asked a couple of the ladies to join our team but when they found out who was in it they booked a 23 night cruise on the Med! Extreme or what! Kenny has said he has someone called Gascoigne in reserve. Hopefully Bamber but probably Paul! I asked International Referees Liam Moore and Ben Thaler to come along but on that night they are meeting Howard Webb to explain how VAR actually works! So hopes are high in our camp we are having a Face Time meeting later (WHAT) apparently! When someone tells me how that works I might take part! Cheers for now! 😇🇮🇪