Whiter than white.
Hi O'Hooligan here. On Friday my stepson David completed his purchase of his first house which has led to a weekend of many paint brushes, colour charts and endless visits to B&Q!
But what I have found is quite amazing,as I’m sure you will all agree! Dulux have developed a paint that is better than Brilliant White and whiter than Arctic Snow and its name is Dulux Irishman’s Legs!
It it so white that they provide dark glasses with the tin and only advise you to use it for 10 minutes at a time as the brightness may affect your eyes! Amazing!
Getting back to the serious stuff of Walking Football we have had another good week with games played in good spirits and even Wickie survived both sessions although he did come a cropper when he left his phone in the sumptuous surroundings of the Slipper Salon on Monday!
A few of us ran up a good bill for him sorting out holidays on his phone before telling him he had left it! That's what friends are for mate! Phil the Cat was at it again on Wednesday with his net tie wraps and Stanley knife, doing a great job and keeping the kids away with his patrolling around brandishing his knife!
Well must get back to my painting, dark glasses on!
Cheers for now. 😇🇮🇪