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Writer's pictureSt Helens Walking Football

Mountain Men

Updated: Jan 24, 2024

St Christopher

Hi O'Hooligan here! After a sleepless night on Sunday fretting that the weather had once again affected our weekly get together Monday dawned not too bad and all was full steam ahead!

The ever increasing number of Mountain men came down from Billinge reporting avalanches, blizzards, flying Mountain goats and Yetis up the altitude of the Billinge Lump! I think they were brought down by helicopter at the club's expense but you will have to ask Les to confirm that! A really great turn-out as usual, including a couple of new faces who seemed to enjoy thier first outing, both scoring Thomas even tried to make off after the game with his bib as a souvenir!

An early fine on its way to you sir! Wicky, as ever, was in the limelight as he arrived late, after saying he wasn't coming that he was protecting his injured calf Until he saw one of the lads driving past immediately cancelled his dog walk and hobbled along to join us! I am glad he did as he gave a perfect back pass straight to me so I could score past Gareth! Double delight!

Lord Rainford reported no overnight damage to his estate as he had his gardener, estate manager and his staff out at first light to inspect his 500 acre boundary fences! Which is good news for us tax-payers who would surely have had to contribute to the bill! Many thanks must go to our Referees who do a great job and who without we wouldn't get our games!

And so to the coffeehouse where we were treated to pastries, cake and cup cakes! All of which were missed by El Presidente, as he had pressing meetings to attend. I did suggest keeping some for him but was totally ignored! One report I did pick up on was Alan Aldridge trying to pay his subs with 2 pound coins and a St Christopher medal! Original to say the least! He has heard that Les is off to the club villa in the near future obviously!

We tried to sign up James Roby who (who indeed) was in attendance but he said it was way too physical for an him! He has heard about Chopper and Kenny!

Good day had by all, cheers. 😇

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